Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Communication Factors in Implementing Solid Waste Management in Manado City
Lingkan Easter Tulung

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Communication Factors in Implementing Solid Waste Management Policy in Manado City


This research aimed to analyze the communication policy of solid waste management in Manado, seen from the communication factors. First is the communicator factor which is knowledge, understanding on policy contents by the government, abilities to communicate, as well as the credibility of the government. Second is the clear and understandable policy content. Third is the use of appropriate media in delivering the messages. Fourth is community understanding and perception on the solid waste management. Fifth is the community attitude regarding to waste management policy. The research applies qualitative method. The data were collected through observation and in-depth interview to 20 informants, which include government apparatuses and the community. The research found that the governments have adequate knowledge, understanding policies, responses, communication ability, and credibility. However, this communication policy is not supported by the availability of appropriate media in distributing the information. In addition, the messages delivered to the people have not been able to change the behavior of most of the people in Manado in terms of waste management. This research contributes to understand the communication factors which are communicator, message, media, communicant and effect in implementing waste management policy. For policy implication this research contributes to understand the limitation of communication policy in waste management. This research is limited to analyze the implication of waste management policy in terms of communication policy, located in Manado City.

Keywords: waste management, communicator, message, media, communicant, effect



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