Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Associating 4IR Practices through the Design Thinking Capabilities
Ting Sie King

Last modified: 2019-06-21


Future workforce capabilities are crucial to be identified and developed associating to the 4th industrial revolution favorited competencies. In proportional to the transformation, education always play an essential role ahead to prepare student to the need of new market demand. The paper highlighted the important of STEM learning and its teaching pedagogy is a potential way to develop required capabilities to be a problem solver, innovator, and inventor. Design thinking is being consider as an essential aspect in the thinking process criteria to stimulate creativity and innovative approach to problem solving. The research work seeks to measure the core capabilities among the first year engineering students working on a design project, identify hidden potential of student capabilities to expand untapped talent to prepare and meet the 4IR expectation in near future. The study has identified that curriculum based on STEM education is considering a potential pathway to prepare student for the new revolution of market demand.


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