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Relationship of Career-Related Parental Support and Career Exploration Behavior in Students with Hearing Impairment/ Deaf: Mediation Role of Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
Last modified: 2019-06-19
Hearing-impaired (HI) students have relatively larger opportunities to attend school, expected to have brighter career developments among the disabled. Unfortunately, their career developments are still limited despite increasing employment opportunities. This study examined the role of career exploration behavior (CEB) in mediating the relationship between career-related parental support (CRPS) and career decision self-efficacy (CDSE) in students with HI/ deaf. The measurements used were the Career Exploration Survey, Career Related Parental Support Scale, and Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short-Form. Data were obtained from 30 high school students (or equivalent) with HI. The mediation analysis results showed that CEB did not mediate the relationship between CRPS and CDSE. CEB itself had negative effects on CDSE though not significant, which is contradictive to social cognitive career theory (SCCT) findings so far. These results suggested there may be different career exploration effect on the typical and disabled population, and therefore SCCT may not be reliable to explain career development of disabled people. In disabled, the more they explore various career opportunities, the more unsure they were to their ability to make career’s decision. It may be correlated with Indonesian educational system for the disabled that has been accustomed to directing students’ career, which limiting the disabled students potential itself. Further study needed to be conducted to explain the reasons.