Last modified: 2019-10-20
This study aims to determine the implementation of the Industrial Employment Practices of computer and informatics Engineering Program learner in Vocational school Manado. Research of evaluation uses Stake's model who stressing at measurement of implementation of program with criterion that had been specified. Population in research are be all teachers of guides, instructor of prakerin in the industry, and all students of classes 12 for 12 programs of expertise 124 students. Sample for student, and teacher of guide use Proportionate Sampling in the program of expertise IT 61 students. The results of the research as follows: (1) Vocational school student program of expertise IT ready to the implementation of the Industrial Employment Practices of IT, (2) indicates that activity of student executes practice of industrial working, fair, (3) indicates that the acquirement of terminal value of student at practice of industrial work satisfies with level of pass.