Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Information Literacy based on Self Efficacy Model in Information Needs amongst Undergraduate Students
Ike Iswary Lawanda, Farikhtus Ulfa

Last modified: 2019-09-19


This paper is about information literacy amongst undergraduate students in the faculty of humanities in one of top universities in Indonesia in solving their informational problems. It is to measure information literacy in their beliefs as skill and strategy mean to solve information needs. It can be done by using information literacy self-efficacy model. Descriptive design research using survey method is used for data collection and analyzing comprehensive categories on 91 students in their last year assignments through convenience sampling technique. The result finds that information literacy self-efficacy in students has a mean of high in the total score of 71.06%.  There are 7 categories of self-efficacy amongst students: information needs, information assessment and understanding, information interpretation, synthesis, usage, information communicating, evaluating process and result, deciding information resources access and location, strategies of searching. The conclusion about information literacy self-efficacy in solving information problem is categorized high in skills and beliefs. It is significant of university library contribution providing infrastructure for information access and trainings and promotion on its services by lecturers to students. Further agenda is materials in information literacy instruction emphasizes information searching strategies that meet the needs such as keywords, Boolean operators, sign instructions and searching facilities.



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