Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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E-learning Quality Evaluation Instrument for SPADA Indonesia
Hari Wibawanto

Last modified: 2019-04-10


Quality evaluation of the online learning needs to be conducted pre- and post learning process, and sometimes, also during the learning process as a formative evaluation. Before the learning process, the intrinsic quality and some contextual quality are evaluated to ensure the quality of the learning object itself and its pedagogical foundation in an online learning environment.

Several quality evaluation frameworks were developed by various learning objects repositories and users. In addition to LORI (Learning Object Rating Instrument), Merlot (Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) and NHS Shared Learning develop an instrument that essentially evaluates the quality of learning objects and their relation to the pedagogical aspects of online learning.

This research deals with the quality of online learning preparation, consist of quality of learning object itself, its placement and integration with Learning Management System. The measurement system consists of the items to measure the intrinsic quality of learning objects and items to measure their relation to the pedagogical aspect. Pedagogical aspect of learning objects can be seen partially by its placement and integration with Learning Management System.

There were 4 (four) steps in developing the instrument : (1) evaluating the existing e-learning instrument, (2) focus group discussion to determine instrument dimension, (3) instrument try out, and (4) instrument revision.

As a result, two kinds of instrument for SPADA Indonesia had been developed in this research: (1) instrument to measure the quality of learning objects and its’ placement and assembly in Learning Management System, and (2) check list the availability of elements forming the face validity of e-learning