Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Cloud-Based Learning: Analyzing Higher Education Teaching and Learning System by Using TOE Framework
Joshua Salaki Rey, Tini Mogea

Last modified: 2019-04-10


The development of Technology is something that cannot be avoided impacting on all aspects of human activities. The field of education is undeniably influenced by the development of Technology. Technological developments directly and indirectly affect the style of learning in the field of Education. This change is a challenge for the Institution in this case Higher Education to encourage lecturers to optimally use existing Technology facilities. Cloud Based Learning implementation trend is currently developing in education. Edmodo is one of the cloud-based applications used in helping in teaching and learning activities. In this research will be analysed adoption Edmodo in Higher Education. This research involves Manado State University as a case study research. The analysis will use the Technology Organization Environment Framework (TOE) to find out about Edmodo's adoption at Manado State University