Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Improving the Quality of Vocational Higher Education and Training: The POLMAN Bandung Perspective
Ismet P. ILYAS

Last modified: 2019-04-22


Abstract Recently, global society has been confronted with Industrial Revolutions 4.0, which have entirely changed the face of industry as we know it. POLMAN Bandung believes that the changes in industry should and must have a direct impact on the way in running the education system for the students, especially vocational higher education. One of the POLMAN Bandung important goal is to create students and graduates who can become valuable members of the workforce, independent problem solvers, lifelong and autonomous learners. Therefore, a new POLMAN Bandung education paradigms is rebuilt alongside Industrial Revolution 4.0 in industry. This paper presents a new educational concept implemented at the POLMAN Bandung in preparing manufacturing professionals and navigating the Industrial Revolution 4.0 through effective cooperation and collaboration with industry. Basically the concept is based on the implementation of education through real industry process, be it in the school (practical workshops and laboratories) or in the manufacturing shops of an industry (internship). As a vocational higher education, the concept lead POLMAN Bandung in developing into a threefold function as: Education, Engineering (eventually may become R & D), and Prototyping/Production Centers. By utilizing “product and service” concept, the further expansion of educational program development can be easily made. In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the implementing new educational concept is conducive to the spirit of always being in the leading edge of technology, that the POLMAN Bandung can keep its competitive advantages.

Keywords: Vocational Higher Education, and Industrial Revolution 4.0, and Industrial Cooperation/Collaboration.


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