Last modified: 2019-06-28
The Sunda Strait is one of the important straits for the international and national shipping at this time in shipping commercial and military vessels beside of Malacca Strait. The impact of the density of this shipping channel so that it requires an optimal security condition, so that violations and crimes can be prevented and do not occur. Thus there is a question how is the security system carried out so that security in the Sunda Strait can be guaranteed? To discuss the success of the implementation of the security of the Sunda Strait, using descriptive qualitative methods and implementation theory of George Edward III, data collection using the interview method. The findings of the study, that the implementation of shipping security in the Sunda Strait is not optimal, requires an integrated security concept by taking into account the limitations of the Defense and Security Equipment at sea, Human Resources and Budget, in contrast to other studies that focus on regulating the system of ship shipping traffic. In this study the researchers went directly in collecting data in the field and carrying out discussions and conclusions. The researcher as a permanent lecturer in the Asymmetric - Defense Study (IDU), in fulfilling the requirements of the Tridharma of Higher Education, wanted to get a clear picture of how the Sunda Strait security was carried out in the national defense at sea. This research has difficult access and requires a considerable budget in data collection in the field.
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