Selfie Selfie Kumesan, Wayan Wayan Damai
Last modified: 2019-06-28
Based on data from the competency test results of high school, MA and vocational high school mathematics teachers conducted in May 2015, the majority of mathematics teachers in the country have competencies that are categorized as insufficient, as many as 76,881 high school, MA and vocational mathematics teachers who take mathematics teacher competency tests only achieve an average value of 50.86. Of these, 36,923 (48.03%) teachers scored below 50, as many as 17,829 (23.19%) teachers scored between 50 and 60 and only 22,129 (28.78%) teachers scored above 60. The value of potency pedagogic and professional teachers are categorized as good, if they have an average value of ≥ 75 (Ministry of National Education 2012). This fact encourages researchers to find out the pedagogical and professional competencies of mathematics teachers with varied backgrounds of experience, education and professional development. The research objectives were to obtain a description of: (1) Quality of learning planning developed by high school mathematics teachers in Dumoga Tengah and Dumoga Utara Subdistricts, (2) Quality of mathematics teaching practices carried out by high school mathematics teachers in Dumoga Tengah and Dumoga Utara Subdistricts, (3 ) factors that influence the quality of planning, the quality of teaching practices and the quality of the level of implementation of mathematics learning carried out by high school mathematics teachers in Dumoga Tengah and Dumoga Utara Districts. The sample in this study used a saturated sample or census, for Dumoga Tengah Subdistrict obtained Ni Nyoman Puspadhiayu from Swadharma Werdhi Agung High School while for Dumoga Utara Subdistrict, I Made Darmawan from Swadharma Mopugad High School which both had: age, educational background, teaching experience, status staffing, training, teaching hours, facilities and infrastructure, leadership of the principal and the role of the school supervisor are also relatively similar. The results showed that: (1) The quality of learning planning developed by mathematics teacher Ni Nyoman Puspadhiayu and I Made Darmawan was the same, (2) The quality of mathematics teaching practices carried out by Ni Nyoman Puspadhiayu and I Made Darmawan was relatively the same, (3) the factors that influence the quality of planning, the quality of teaching practices and the quality of the level of implementation of mathematics learning carried out by mathematics teachers Ni Nyoman Puspadhiayu and I Made Darmawan are also the same. Research Conclusions: (1) There are influences of internal factors (i.e. age, educational background, teaching experience, teacher status, training, and teaching burden) with pedagogical and professional competencies of Swadharma Werdhi Agung high school teachers and Mopugad Swadharma High School, (2) There are influences of external factors (i.e. facilities, leadership of the principal, and the role of the school supervisor) with pedagogical and professional competencies of mathematics teachers at Swadharma Werdhi Agung High School and Swadharma Mopugad High School
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