Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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The role of the university archive supports the implementation of FORLAP DIKTI
Ratih Surtikanti

Last modified: 2019-09-19


This study aims to describe the understanding of records managers and archivists in universities as managers of student records that will be a source of data in Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi ( Forlap Dikti). Survey was conducted to obtain their understanding of the forlap dikti and student records that would be the main data in the forlap of dikti. The results of the study will provide an overview of  understanding, attitudes and activities that have been carried out by archivists and records managers at the university in order to support Forlap Dikti as a center of data collection of high education providers throughout Indonesia.The research results are expected to provide input to universities to ensure student record management programs can support data in the Dikti forlap system. Besides that the results of this study will also provide input to the Kemenristek Dikti to strengthen the role  of Forlap Dikti  as a reference for scholarships, research, and student level competitions in Indonesia.

Keywords: Student Records, Forlap Dikti, University records, University Archives



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