Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Insurance Agents in Indonesia in the era of industrial revolution 4.0
Fia Fridayanti Adam

Last modified: 2019-09-19



Manuscript type:

Research Paper

Research aims:

In the current era of industrial revolution 4.0, insurance companies can sell insurance products by combining their distribution channels. This distribution channel includes through the internet or website, direct sales by companies, bancassurance, and sales through agents. For motor vehicle insurance, data in 2018 shows that only 9 general insurance companies provide online applications to purchase motor vehicle insurance products which indicate that the utilization of the company's official website is not optimal. In general, insurance companies still rely on agents as marketers of their products. To improve the ability of agents, insurance agents must be competent. For this reason, insurance agents must take the certification exam held by the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI). This study aims to provide an overview of general insurance agents in Indonesia that have been certified.

Design/ methodology/ Approach:

This research is a descriptive research which will describe the insurance agent in Indonesia that competent or not. Data sourced from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and AAUI.

Research findings:

Data sourced from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and AAUI shows that there are still many general insurance agents that have not met these competencies.

Theoretical contributions/ Originality:

The study conducted by Tseng et al. (2016) states the incompetent insurance agents can increase sales of insurance products that do not meet customer needs. This study will show that competent agents is a must.

Practitioner/ Policy Implications:

This research will contribute to AAUI so the e-certificates is increasingly recognized and the competent agent also increased.

Research limitation:

This research taken on January till March 2019.

Keywords: General insurance, distribution channel, insurance agents, competency.





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pdf/insurance-2020-turning-change-into-opportunity.pdf  downloaded 18 Januari 2019



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