Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Interpersonal Communication Health Officer in Free Medical Service Activities at The Health Sciences Department Laboratory
Naldo MSi, Hardika Widi Satria, Aditya Denny Pratama

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Health services are needed by women and men, both young people and the elderly. Even people who look healthy need to do medical treatment, especially to check the level of health and the possibility of serious illnesses that have not yet shown by symptoms. The role of health workers in creating effective interperonal communication with users of medical services can affect the outcome of health services. Cadres and health staff of the Laboratory Health Sciences Department, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia invite the public to care about their health. The earlier a disease is detected, the faster help can be given. In this way, the disease does not proceed to a more serious stage, while preventing more complicated help. This study aims to describe interpersonal communication of health personnel in community service free medical services activities. The Research method is qualitative, informants are visitors to medical treatment activities, the cadres and the health workers. Data collection using in-depth interviews and participant observation. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. The results of the study are the perspective of interpersonal health communication power with visitors to do the treatment services and characterized by perceptions of the communication style of officers. The Health Sciences Cluster Laboratory needs to hold applicative interpersonal communication training for health workers to improve the quality of the treatment services.

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