Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Digital Marketing Influence against Hospital Services
Radityo Kusumo Santoso, Nur Fadilah Dewi, Aditya Deni Pratama

Last modified: 2019-08-05


Research Aims: This study is aim to determine whether marketing digital has an influence on Hospital services promotions.

Methodology: This study use quantitative methodology and descriptive approach, collecting data in this study by distributing quetionnaires to respondents who use hospital services and knew the hospital from marketing digital.

Research findings: The study finds that the uses of the marketing digital in the hospital services can help the hospital improve their sales services, and increase brand image of the hospital. This is found to be in line with paradigm that is digital marketing are usefull tools to increase sales and brand image.

Theoretical implications: This study extends the previous literature on hospital services by providing an empirical evidence on how technological disruption, such as digital media, may help in promoting the hospital services among the potential customer especially for Generation Y and Z (Millenials).

Practical implications: The findings of this study offer an solution to the industry practitioners, from hospital industry could use the digital marketing for hospital services promotions to potential customer. The hospital in the developing countries need to use opportunities on the benefits of the digital marketing for hospital promotions.

Research Aims: This study is aim to determine whether marketing digital has an influence on Hospital services promotions.

Methodology: This study use quantitative methodology and descriptive approach, collecting data in this study by distributing quetionnaires to respondents who use hospital services and knew the hospital from marketing digital.

Research findings: The study finds that the uses of the marketing digital in the hospital services can help the hospital improve their sales services, and increase brand image of the hospital. This is found to be in line with paradigm that is digital marketing are usefull tools to increase sales and brand image.

Theoretical implications: This study extends the previous literature on hospital services by providing an empirical evidence on how technological disruption, such as digital media, may help in promoting the hospital services among the potential customer especially for Generation Y and Z (Millenials).

Practical implications: The findings of this study offer an solution to the industry practitioners, from hospital industry could use the digital marketing for hospital services promotions to potential customer. The hospital in the developing countries need to use opportunities on the benefits of the digital marketing for hospital promotions.