Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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The Need for Soft Skills within A Communication Industry in 4.0 Era
Devie Rahmawati

Last modified: 2019-04-22


There is a perceived soft skills problem within the communication profession.  Soft skills refer to relational skills such as practicing self-management, communicating with various groups, adapting to change, negotiating, and resolving conflict. The purposes of this case study were to (a) understand the perspectives of industry (b) identify important soft skills needed in the workplace.

An integrative conceptual framework that drew upon vocational and communication theories was used as a theoretical framework for the study. Thirty participants from communication department within various industry participated in open-ended interviews.

Findings confirmed a perceived need for soft skills instruction in communication skills, professionalism, work ethic, interpersonal skills, and good attitudes. Positive change could occur from the university through a deeper understanding of these needed soft skills by industry.


Keywords: Soft Skills, Case Study, Vocational, Industry