Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Acceptance of archival information system by university archivists: Case study in Universitas Indonesia
Muhammad Usman Noor

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Poor archive handling frequently happen either in private or public organisation in Indonesia. Although,we are moving to Industry 4.0 where globe are more connected than ever. Good Archive management could aid industry improve their goals by collect immense amounts of data and information from all points in their process area.  Universitas Indonesia as one of public university attempt to improve their archive management by using SEKAR(Archival System) to aid archives handle. This research aims to examine how UI archivists see SEKAR helps them in archive management using Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). This study uses qualitative methods with data collection methods using interviews, while sample selection is used purposive sampling technique, namely UI archivists who have and/or are assigned to manage records at the faculty level by using SEKAR UI. The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive analysis. This research find from several TAM variables used in this study, namely Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, intention to use. Archivists see SEKAR can help them in making archived descriptions because ISAD (G) used by SEKAR accommodates flexible standards. Regarding archival retrieval, the archivist sees SEKAR's precision in its search results to be improved in various ways, one of which is improving the search algorithm and improving the quality of the description. Regarding the perceived ease of use, archivists agree not to encounter significant problems concerning accessibility.



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