Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Implementation of National Certified Internship Program in BUMN Companies: Perception of Vocational Education Program (University of Indonesia) Student
mila viendyasari

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Research aims : this article aims to evaluate the students’ perceptions and provide suggestions for improving the implementation of national certified internship program.Methodology: This research employs a quantitative approach using cross-sectional survey

Findings : This research indicates that the implementation of national certified internships has able to broaden insight and skills of the students and commitment from the company is needed for daily implementation and supervision

Practical Implication : This article offers an understanding of the importance of the assignment orientation given, mentor guidance and working environment conditions in  a certified internship program in the era of industry 4.0. It provides several suggestion and recommendation for national certified internship program, especially for the university administrators.

Theoretical Implication : This study expands the existing literature on national intership program by providing a view focusing on vocational education.

Keywords: Human Capital, Vocational Education, Competency, Industry 4.0


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