Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Young Adult Attitudes to Entrepreneurship as a Career Choices in Indonesia: Implication of Business Relation, Media, and Education
Gandhi Pawitan, Catharina Badra Nawangpalupi

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Youth entrepreneurship development is a way to boost economic development through job creation.  It is a general argument, but an empirical evidence for Indonesian context is still demanding.  Since Indonesia is experiencing demographic bonus during this periode, there has been more attention given to job creation through youth entrepreneurship.  On the other hand also to adress a shifting among youth generation from job seeking to job creation.  Hence this paper aims to explore an intention in entrepreneurship as a career choice among Indonesian youth entrepreneurs in two viewpoints. Firstly is to investigate the determinant factors that affect entrepreneurial career choices amongst youth entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Secondly, investigate an effect of business relation, media, and education on the entrepreneurship career choice. This study uses Adult Population Surveys of Global Entrepreneurshp Monitor data 2013 for Indonesia, which selected randomly 4500 adult from 16 provinces.  Data analysis was done using binary logistic regression model and Chi-Square analysis for young individu of age 18-34 years. The results showed that factors influencing entrepreneurial career choices in young people are the capability, and external factors, namely good status and media coverage. There are an interaction between education and business relation, and also age and business relation.  These results suggest some implications for encouraging young people to shift from job seeker into job creator, such as education and media as a moderating variables.

Manuscript type: Research Paper

Research aims:Youth entrepreneurship development is a way to boost economic development through job creation.  It is a general argument, but an empirical evidence for Indonesian context is still demanding.  Since Indonesia is experiencing demographic bonus during this periode, there has been more attention given to job creation through youth entrepreneurship.  On the other hand also to adress a shifting among youth generation from job seeking to job creation.  Hence this paper aims to explore an intention in entrepreneurship as a career choice among Indonesian youth entrepreneurs in two viewpoints. Firstly is to investigate the determinant factors that affect entrepreneurial career choices amongst youth entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Secondly, investigate an effect of business relation, media, and education on the entrepreneurship career choice

Design/ methodology/ Approach: This study uses Adult Population Surveys of Global Entrepreneurshp Monitor data 2013 for Indonesia, which selected randomly 4500 adult from 16 provinces.  Data analysis was done using binary logistic regression model and Chi-Square analysis for young individu of age 18-34 years.Research findings:The results showed that factors influencing entrepreneurial career choices in young people are the capability, and external factors, namely good status and media coverage. There are an interaction between education and business relation, and also age and business relation.

Theoretical contributions/ Originality: It is a general argument, but an empirical evidence for Indonesian context is still demanding. Since Indonesia is experiencing demographic bonus during this periode, there has been more attention given to job creation through youth entrepreneurship.  On the other hand also to adress a shifting among youth generation from job seeking to job creation.

Practitioner/ Policy Implications: These results suggest some implications for encouraging young people to shift from job seeker into job creator, such as education and media as a moderating variables.

Research limitation:The individual data is available for 2013, but the world is changing fastly, then we assume that the Indonesian macro conditions is not shifting too much.  Further study using a new data collection is encouraged, either for confirmation with a recent condition or extending the further determinant factors that affect intention of entrepreneruship career choice amongst young people.

Keywords: youth, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial career choice, entrepreneurial attitude, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, binary logistic regression model.