Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Beginner Voters Outlook on New Media Advertisements of Partai Berkarya and The New Order Values Among Students: A Social Media Technological Adaptation Study of Indonesian Political Advertisement
Hardika Widi Satria, Naldo Naldo

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Abstract. Research aims: this article aims to examine the outlook of beginner voters of Indonesian students towards the advertisements of Partai Berkarya and its value of the new order which lies in the social media advertising message. Methodology: This study uses quantitative method based on questionnaire. This study employs Lasswell’s Communication Model. Findings: This research argues that the speaker of advertisement communication effects the attitude and beliefs of the audience (beginner voters in Indonesia). Practical Implications: This article provides a discussion on the current political campaign situation analysis of Partai Berkarya who fight for votes from beginner voters in Indonesia using advertisement of the new order image or value through technology alteration in social media. It provides several suggestion and recommendations for the industry of advertising in Indonesia. This study can be an insightful lesson-learned that can be used to create another better political advertisement campaign in Indonesia. Theoretical Implications: This study expands the existing literature on communication studies particularly in advertising by providing a theoretical support of Indonesian communication political and advertising cases. It illustrates how the theoretical political communication approach could help the advertising business creating more creative message in their advertisement.

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