Last modified: 2019-03-18
ABSTRACT: This study is aim to examine how the beginner voter use their rational choices to choose the presidential candidates, while the information from social media floods their pages. The number of beginner voters in both presidential and legislative’s election is quite significant, about 8% of total voters in 2019 elections. Beginner voters were prone to be politicized and made into political commodities to boost the popularity and electability of election contestants. One way to influence them is through social media, which is usually less accurate. To analyze the rational choice to individual voter behavior, the rational choice theory will be applied. The methodology of the study will be mix method, both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative will analyze the messages that were spread out in social media regarding the presidential candidates, by Functional Pragmatic Analysis. The result will be the questions for the quantitative study that is a descriptive survey for beginner voters regarding how rational they choose the presidential candidate. The study is still being conducted. The theoretical implication is to contribute to the development of campaign theory in digital era, while the practical implications are to contribute the politicians to make new campaign strategy using new media.
Key words: functional pragmatic, rational choice theory, consistent, instrumental, election, Indonesia
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