Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Analysis of Tax Policy Aimed at Encouraging Venture Capital to Finance Startup Companies in Indonesia
Milla Sepliana Setyowati

Last modified: 2019-09-19


The opportunity for startup development in Indonesia which is not followed by the growth of venture capital as one of its funding sources encourages the government to make policies that are expected to create a better startup ecosystem. This study discusses the implementation of tax policy aimed at encouraging venture capital to finance startup companies in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study discusses how other countries encourage their venture capital and analyze tax policy alternative that can be applied in Indonesia. This research is conducted with qualitative approach through in-depth interview and literature study. This research is expected to contribute in the development of tax science specifically concerning tax incentives related to venture capital and startup companies. Practically, this research is expected to provide input to the government to evaluate current policy and consider alternatives that can be applied based on practices in other countries. This research is limited to discussing tax policies contained in the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48/PMK.010/2018 concerning Tax Treatment of Equity Participation in Venture Capital Companies in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Tax policies from other countries discussed are limited to tax incentives implemented in Malaysia, China and Australia.


Keyword: Tax Policy, Tax Incentive, Startup, Venture Capital


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