Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Norhayati Yahaya

Last modified: 2019-09-19


Authentic teaching and learning is a strategy that draws upon the apprentices talents and encounters to give settings for real-world tasks that exhibit important utilizations of fundamental knowledge and skills. To utilize this strategy, skills trainers need to ingrain apprentices confidence and polished skills by synthesizing their personal qualities and in addition their professional practice. This study expected to assess the acknowledgment of authentic teaching and learning in view of Malaysian Dual Training program. Quantitative data were accumulated from 327 skills trainers at 3 different regions, Central, Northern and Southern area. The Assessment Tool of Authentic Teaching and Learning in the light of Herrington & Oliver 2000 is utilized as an instrument. In this instrument, authentic teaching and learning is seen through nine authentic learning components: Provide authentic context that mirrors the way the information will be utilized as a part of real-life; Provide authentic exercises; Provide access to expert performances and the displaying of procedures; Provide numerous roles and points of view; Support shared development of learning; Promote reflection; Promote articulation; Provide coaching and scaffolding and; Provide for authentic assessment of learning inside the undertakings. The data gathered is analyzed utilizing IBM Statistics version 22. The results demonstrated the acknowledgement of authentic teaching and learning among skills trainers in the Malaysian Dual Training System is at a moderate level.

Keywords: authentic teaching and learning, dual training, apprentices