Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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The tea sector in West Java in the face of environmental influences: A view on adaptation and mitigation strategies
Lars Wilsdrof, Michel Ortland

Last modified: 2022-11-22


Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Very special conditions are required for the cultivation of tea, which are only present in a few subtropical and tropical regions, such as in West Java. The growth of the tea plant is extremely sensitive to changes, which is why the increasing environmental influences during climate change are a major risk. Considering that Indonesia is both one of the largest contributors to climate change and one of the largest emitters, the cultivation of tea seems to face a lot of challenges. To see whether tea will continue to be grown in West Java, a field project conducted by Universitas Indonesia and the University Osnabrück used guided interviews to investigate which adaptation and mitigation measures are being taken by the actors in the first steps of the tea value chain to deal with environmental influences. Is collective action being taken in response to severe events such as the droughts in 2015 and 2018 or the sharp increase in landslides? Are government and business leaders providing ways to deal with environmental impacts, driving processes of environmental upgrading? Or is the reality that people are maleadapting or leaving the tea sector?

Keywords: Adaptation, Mitigation, Environmental Influences, Tea Value Chain, Environmental Upgrading