Last modified: 2022-11-15
The highland of Ciwidey is an agropolitan area that has different areas between the two characteristics of the village. The Differences in the characteristics of the village can affect the condition of the livelihood assets of the farmer's household. Farmers' households involved in livelihoods certainly have a variety of livelihood assets and have pressures that threaten their livelihoods. The existence of these pressures requires a lowland rice farmer's household to carry out livelihood strategies. This study aims to determine the condition of asset ownership and the rice field farmers' household livelihood strategy choices by analyzing asset conditions and livelihood strategies based on household characteristics in different areas of the village characteristics. This study was conducted on 162 respondents to determine livelihood assets and household livelihood strategies. Livelihood assets analysis uses the asset pentagon in the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA). The results of this study indicate that the condition of livelihood assets is different in open villages and closed villages. The number of workers in the household plays a role in managing these assets for later strategies. This makes livelihood assets important and is the basis for households to carry out livelihood strategies. In open villages, most of the strategies are non-land base, while in closed villages, most of them use land-based strategies.