Last modified: 2022-11-16
Border area between Bogor and Karawang Regency has very unique characteristics where it is located with a famous tourism destination known as Green Canyon Waterfall (GCW). As observed in the previous studies, famous tourism destinations would change land use land cover (LULC) in the surrounding environment and cause significant environmental impacts. Therefore, this study analyzes the LULC changes in the Bogor and Karawang Regency border area using two different dates of Landsat satellite images. Firstly, Landsat TM 5 was processed using Random Forest classification method to generate LULC in 2000. Furthermore, Landsat 8 OLI was used to perform LULC classification in 2020. It is found from the analysis that 45% of the area does not change. While the biggest change occurs around 22% of the area from paddy fields to mixed plantations. In addition, LULC changed from forest to mixed plantation with around 18% of the area. Interestingly, the LULC change from forest to built-up around 9% of the area, and from paddy field to built-up around 1%, respectively. Three main driving factors are successfully identified using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) namely, distance from the border area, distance from government center, dan distance from the road. These factors were then analyzed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the multicollinearity among factors.