Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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Spatial Analysis of the Distribution and Needs for Educational Facilities in The Palabuhanratu Sub-District
Nur Auliya Musrah, Hafid Setiadi

Last modified: 2022-11-15


Educational facilities are one of the factors that support the improvement of the quality of human resource education. The availability of educational facilities has theoretical and practical meanings that can provide a reference for the development of educational equity policies as a development goal of modern society, but inequality in educational facilities still occurs. The purpose of this study is to know the distribution and projection of the need for educational facilities at the elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school levels in the Palabuhanratu Sub-district. The spatial analysis method was used to analyze the availability of educational facilities and projected the need for educational facilities based on the population and the pattern of student admission in the last 10 years (2013-2022). The study found educational facilities at the elementary school and junior high school levels spread across all administrative areas of Palabuhanratu Sub-district, but the educational facilities at the senior high school level were not distributed, especially in Cimanggu Village.  The needs for educational facilities are fulfilled in urban administrative areas such as Palabuhanratu Urban Village and Citepus Village, while the needs in some rural areas are unfulfilled like Cibodas Village, Cimanggu Village, and Buniwangi Village.