Building: Pertamina Multidisiplin Building
Room: Meeting Room B
Date: 2022-11-24 10:40 AM – 12:45 PM
Last modified: 2022-11-16
Environmental literature is an important thing for high school students to have to reduce the impact of climate change and other environmental problems that occur today. These skills need to be integrated into the school curriculum so that learning can be applied. This study aims to analyze the content in the curriculum on environmental literature including environmental knowledge, attitudes towards the environment, cognitive skills, and behavior towards the environment. The data was obtained through a study of existing curriculum documents in Indonesia. Data analysis conducted in the form of descriptive qualitative. The results of the study indicate that the content of environmental literature has not explicitly appeared in the curriculum text, but can be translated through several basic competencies in the 2013 Curriculum. Environmental care attitudes and behavior towards the environment have not been written in attitude competencies. Cognitive knowledge and skills have not been written directly in the Knowledge and Skills Core Competencies. Environmental literature is raised during the implementation of learning by linking environmental content with geography. Therefore, geography teachers need to continue to implement environmental literature on students so that students' sensitivity to environmental issues grows and develops.