Last modified: 2022-11-22
The choice of commercial area is crucial in determining a business's success, especially a region's economic development plan. Serang City is an area that will be planned as a trade and commercial industrial area. The problem that usually occurs in site selection is that several criteria and alternatives have advantages in weighting, so there are often doubts in decision-making. Therefore, this study will analyze the spatial modeling of several simulations of the respective SMCE methods that have been determined with the help of ILWIS software. The results show that comparing simulations A, B, C, and D lead to an area that always appears suitable. When evaluated with a spatial map, the results are very reasonable, namely from simulation modeling C with the dominance of spatial factors and carrying capacity of 7042.02 Ha, so these results can be an alternative for the government in decision-making and are in line with the 11 SDGs goals to increase the development of cities and settlements that are inclusive, safe, durable and sustainable.
Keywords: ILWIS, Commercial, Serang City, SMCE