Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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Utilization of the Plesir Kebumen Application and Website to Support Strengthening of Smart Branding in Kebumen Regency
Lintang Ayu Pradhani, Rini Rachmawati

Last modified: 2022-11-15


Kebumen is one of selected regencies for movement of 100 smart city in Indonesia. The prior program was launched by the ministry of communication and informatics. Smart branding is merely one dimension of smart city in kebumen regency. Recently, ICT plays a significant role for the tourism development. It has function in informing tourism potential widely as well as attracting tourist visitation. Kebumen Regency Creates “Plesir Kebumen”, an application and website bas on ICT model. This paper has several aims, namely identifying application and website of plesir kebumen, identifying application and website’s role for the local people, lastly analysing the implementation of the Plesir Kebumen application and website in realizing smart branding for the kebumen regency. This research uses qualitative and quantitative research methods. The primary data were obtained from in-depth interviews and questionnaires, While the secondary data were collected by exploring the application and website directly. There are 5 features on the website and 12 application features as the result from the study. Application and website utilisation Is fair enough according to the marketing employee of kebumen regency tourism claims the application and website have succeeded in implementing the smart branding dimension of the kebumen regency.