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Bortle Scale Identification of Night Sky Brightness in Kuningan Regency Botanical Garden
Last modified: 2022-11-18
Measurement of night sky darkness correlates with the environmental quality. Light pollution caused by human activities in densely populated areas exposed certain harm to ecosystem and human health. Furthermore, the degradation of dark sky has increasingly reduced the potential of astrotourism. Both of these concerns were studied in Kuningan Regency Botanical Garden, a conservation area projected for ecotourism. This study aims to conduct measurement of night sky brightness of the area through Bortle Scale analysis, and environmental evaluation of night sky quality in the study area. This study implemented indirect observation method and quantitative design. Data were obtained from the utilization of secondary data of VIIRS-DNB night-time imagery in the time range of 2012-2021. Result of this study indicated that Kuningan Regency Botanical Garden records a good dark sky quality with the value of 21,61 mag/arcsec2. The study area is identified as class-4 or rural/suburban transition areas in the Bortle Scale. Therefore, Kuningan Regency Botanical Garden has a huge potential on the development of astro-tourism sector.