Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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Tea Plant Health Research Using a Spectrometer
Dwi Hastuti, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa

Building: Pertamina Multidisiplin Building
Room: Meeting Room A
Date: 2022-11-24 10:40 AM – 12:45 PM
Last modified: 2022-12-01


An essential sign of a healthy plant is chlorophyll in the leaves. Effective disease prevention and insect management can result from accurate monitoring and identification of tea leaves. Remote sensing is a technology that uses a sensing tool to record data without actually touching an object. A spectrometer can also be used to determine the wavelength and measure the object spectrum using reflected light. The leaf reflectance significantly increases at the red-to-NIR wavelength transition, producing different spectral values known as red edges. These edge positions are related to the amount of chlorophyll, the stage of the plant phenology, and the health of the plant. Disease, insects, and sunburn destroy the chloroplast structure of tea leaves and reduce the band's absorption, increasing reflectance, and resulting in low NIR. There is a difference between the measurement results of the NDVI spectrometer and the sentinel 2A image. This is due to the image Sentinel 2A only extracting the pixel value of the image with the resolution, not infected leaves such as the use of a spectrometer that directly extracts the value of infected leaves.