Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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The Relation of Job Demand to Job Stress on Teachers and Staff in HIJ School: The Role of Job Crafting Programme as Intervention
Vissy Vandiya Barley, Arum Etikariena

Last modified: 2018-08-09


Background. Stress is something that cannot be avoided, especially stress related to work or we can call it as job stress. Employees who experience job stress will decrease their work motivation and health, so that they will not be productive at work and can cause absenteeism and turnover. The antecedents of job stress are from personal, job, organization and environment. One of antecedent that cause job stress in HIJ school is job demand. Job demand is one of organizational factor. The teachers and operational staff at the HIJ school felt the job stress due to the unpredictable job demand. Job demand consist of quantitative and qualitative demand. Quantitative demand is about the amount and speed that are require completing the job, and qualitative demand is about the knowledge and effort that are require to do the job such as cognitive, physical and emotional skills. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job demand as independent variable with job stress as dependent variable and then determine appropriate interventions.

Methods. Data collection for this research is distributed the online questionnaire using g-form to 111 teachers and staff with criteria Indonesian citizens, minimum education level Bachelor degree, work experiences minimum 2 years and age range is between 25 – 55 years old. The measuring tool that researcher used are Job Stress Scale for job stress consist of 4 dimensions (job stress scale, role expectation conflict, co-worker support and work-life balance) and 22 items as totals and measuring tool for job demand using Challenge- and Hindrance-Related Self-Reported Stress Measures consist of 2 dimensions (challenge stressors and hindrance stressors) and 11 items as totals. Job stress scale using Likert scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 6 (Strongly agree) for job stress scale, role expectation conflict and work-life balance dimensions. Co-worker support dimension using Likert scale from 1 (never) to 6 (all the time). The scale for Challenge- and Hindrance-Related Self-Reported Stress Measures also using Likert scale from 1 (produces no stress) to 5 (produces a great deal of stress). The design of this research is quantitative by using correlation analysis using Pearson correlation coefficient in SPSS.

Results. Respondents who filled the questionnaire are 56 people with response rate 50.45% and used for data processing. The measuring tool for Job Stress Scale with Cronbach's alpha = 0.86 and measuring tool for job demand with Cronbach's alpha = 0.90. The result showed 61% teachers and operational staff who have high job demand and 46% teachers and operational staff who have high job stress. Based on that result, 41% teachers and operational staff who have high job demand and job stress and researcher get the respondents for intervention. Intervention’s respondents are 6 operational staff and intervention that been used were job crafting programme.

Conclusions. The result of the research shows that job demand has relationship with job stress with sig = 0.00 and the result of the intervention shows that with job crafting, the perception about job demand is decrease and it shows by the difference the pre-test and post-test from 38.33 to 31.00.

Added-Values. This research is new in school area. With this research, the organizations especially schools can get new information about the interventions needed to overcome high job demands. This is certainly useful for teachers and staff to organize their tasks.

Keywords: Job demands; job stress; job crafting programme; intervention

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