Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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Development of Metacognition Awareness Test for Teacher
Gilang Muhamad

Last modified: 2018-08-10


Teacher is an essential component of education in Indonesia. The role of teachers is significant because it can affect student’s learning outcomes and is prominent to achieve an effective education. Thus, good quality of teachers may improve the quality of education in Indonesia. UU No.14 Year 2005 states that teachers should have some competencies in pedagogic and professional aspects. One way to improve teacher’s competency is to increase the teachers’ metacognition awareness. Various studies found that metacognition awareness needs to be possessed by teachers to enhance their effectiveness and performance in teaching. In addition to beneficial to teachers, teacher metacognition awareness can also have a positive impact on a student. Teacher metacognition awareness can assist teachers in shaping students for using their metacognition so that students can improve their learning strategies and academic achievement. However, there is still a lack of research which examines metacognition awareness on teachers as well as lack of attention on the topic. Moreover, the scale that measures metacognition awareness on teacher has still not existed yet.


This research attempted to construct Teacher Metacognition Awareness (TMA) scale that is reliable, valid, has good items, and norms. The study was conducted for secondary school teachers in Jabodetabek (N=293). Participants were obtained using a convenience sampling method. Researchers construct TMA scale by first conducting literature studies related to metacognition awareness and teachers, as well as performing expert judgment and readability test. Then, the researcher tested the scale in two stages; try out test and field test. In both stages, the researcher performed psychometric tests to see the quality of the TMA scale. Reliability test is done using internal consistency technique, which is a coefficient alpha. The construct validity test is done by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent evidence, and internal consistency validity. The item analysis test is performed by calculating the proportion of endorsement, item discrimination, and factor loading. Norms are compiled using a normalized standard score.  The TMA scale consists of two dimensions, such as knowledge of cognition and cognition setting and each dimension has three indicators. Each item on the TMA scale can be resolved with a 6-point Likert scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Total score is obtained from the sum of the cumulative item values, or called cumulative model.


The results revealed that the TMA scale was reliable in overall (α = 0.88) and each dimensions; knowledge about cognition (α = 0.77), and regulation of cognition (α = 0.82). The results also indicated that the TMA scale and its dimensions are valid for measuring the metacognition awareness and its dimensions (complying with the validity requirements of factor analysis, convergent evidence, and internal consistency). The model structure was determined by using confirmatory factor analysis. Analysis using three components shows the structure of a good instrument model seen from P-Value = 0.00, CFI = 0.93, GFI = 0.83, and RMSEA = 0.08. Other than that, the results of validity testing with convergent evidence show that TMA valid for measuring metacognition awareness because it correlates significantly with self-efficacy. The TMA scale consists of 24 items and 12 items in each dimension that have good discriminating power and contributes to the construct of metacognition awareness. TMA test's score was interpreted using within-group norms with the scaled score (M=10; SD=3).


This study aims to construct a Teacher Metacognition Awareness (TMA) scale in secondary school teachers. TMA scale has been tested for its reliability and validity, as well as item analyses, and can be interpreted using within group norm. This research is expected to enrich the scientific framework of metacognitive awareness and become a reference for further research on the development of metacognition awareness for teachers in Indonesia. This study can also be useful to see differences in intra-individual metacognition awareness of teachers viewed from both dimensions. Schools or education departments can use TMA scale to develop teacher competence or as a basis for designing appropriate interventions for teachers who are indicated to have low metacognition awareness. Intervention or development is done to increase metacognition awareness that can support teachers in work and teaching.



Test Construction, Metacognition Awareness, Secondary School Teacher


Word count: 676

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