Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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Is it Really Safe? The Perceived Risk of Go-Jek Services Scale
Ariyana Isti Kusumayani, Lavenda Geshica, Arlianto Arlianto, Dwi Cahyo Nugroho

Last modified: 2018-08-08


Background. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of online transportation in Indonesia. Several examples of such services that are immensely popular are Uber, Go-Jek, Transjek, Blue-Jak, Grab, and Bangjek. Among those, Go-Jek has the largest market in Indonesia due to its enormous advantages offered to customers. First, drivers and customers are able to know each other’s location accurately. Second, the fare is relatively affordable and it will not change after it is agreed (fixed fare). Third, customers may order the services through mobile application on any occasion. Fourth, it is relative convenient compared to other public transports. Despite its advantages, Go-Jek suffers from several major problems primarily stemming from conventional taxi and ojek (motorcycle taxi). Moreover, there are also several issues associated with safety in using Go-Jek services, such as sexual assault, intimidation and physical abuse from drivers. These issues are potentially to cause insecurity among customers, so that customers may perceive that there are several risks in using Go-Jek services.  Therefore it is important to develop a scale to measure risk perception among Go-Jek services (Go-Ride and Go-Car) customers.

Methods. 145 Go-Ride and Go-Car customers in Yogyakarta had participated in this study. To attain participants from population, we used non-probability sampling which is convenience sampling. This method was used due to participants’ convenient accessibility and proximity. To constructed this scale, we did modification from “Perceived Risk in Generic Drug Scale” developed by Suplet. It consisted of six aspects, they were social risk, time risk, financial risk, physical risk, functional risk, and psychological risk. Next, we tried to construct three items in every aspect. Declarative sentences were used in this eighteen-item scale. Meanwhile, its response used five-point Likert Scale. We used google form to administer this scale to participants. After collecting data, we measured the discrimination index and scale reliability, did exploratory factor analysis to determine the construct validity, then conducted the its norm.

Results. The results of the analyses showed that the discrimination index of this scale ranged from 0.374-0.372. We also tested its reliability based on alpha coefficient. We found that those eighteen-item scale was highly correlated with total score (α = 0.888). Next, we found that this modified scale had four dimensions, they were safety risk, financial risk, time risk, and social risk. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was done to ensure that the model used four factors was fit. The results of CFA showed that the value of CMIN/df was 1.333; the value of GFI was 0.907, the value of CFI was 0.966, and the value of RMSEA was 0.048. From these results we concluded that this model met the requirement of goodness of fit. The norm of this scale consisted of three categories, they were high risk perception (>36.8), moderate risk perception (15.8 – 36.8) and low risk perception (<15.8).

Conclusions. The present study aimed to develop a scale to measure risk perception among Go-Jek services (Go-Ride and Go-Car) customers in a population-based-representative sample.  this perceived risk of Go-Jek services scale showed good reliability, validity, and discrimination index, making it a promising tool for assessing perceived risk of Go-Jek Services. Additionally, we also present norm value for this scale.

Added-Values. There are several perceived risk scale has been developed, such as perceived risk of generic drug and perceived risk of online shopping.  In other words, none of them are aimed to measure perceived risk of online transportation services, especially perceived risk of Go-Jek services. Therefore, it is the first scale used to measure perceived risk of Go-Jek services customer.

Contribution to the Society. This scale may be used to Go-Jek company in evaluating its services related to customers’ perception of risk. The evaluation is important to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Keywords: Go-Jek; perceived risk; scale; Yogyakarta

Word count: 631

Preference of presentation: Poster presentation

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