Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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Gregorius Edrik Lawanto, Rusdi Rusli, Jehan Safitri

Last modified: 2018-10-16


Children is one of the most beautiful gift that becomes a dream come true and always coveted by the parents. Children are also the responsibility of parents to pay attention to all aspects of its development. Changes that occur in the development process of course has a purpose that is so that a child is able to adapt to his environment, and able to be human he wants both physically and physiologically. The ability to speak is important to master in the development of a child, because the ability to speak is not just to express the sound but it also includes the needs of children to be able to express what the needs and desires. Speech development is a developmental stage that includes three processes and has a relationship between one another, namely learning to say a word, build vocabulary and form a sentence. At the age of four to five years, children should be able to master sentences of four to five words, they are also able to use prepositions, children more often use verbs than nouns. While the age of five to six years, a sentence spoken by the child has been composed of six to eight words, the child is able to explain the meaning of a simple word, know the opposite word, using hyphens, foreclosures and clothing. Disturbance that many experienced by children related to the development of speech is the delayed speed. Speech delayed is a situation in which a child tends to have difficulty expressing his or her feelings to others, such as not being able to speak clearly, and the lack of vocabulary that makes a child different from a child of his age. Disruption of speech delayed in children will be at risk and have a major impact on other things, such as learning difficulties, reading and writing difficulties. This research uses shaping technique which is one of the behavior modification techniques by giving continuous reinforcement to the target behavior until the target behavior arises. Implementation of shaping technique is done by using media in the form of card containing letters, syllables, or words, done for one month and divided into 9 sessions, with duration 60 minutes for each session. This study aims to know the effectiveness of the application of shaping technique to improve speech in children who experience speech delayed. This research type is quasi experiment research one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling, with the criteria of children who have speech delayed aged two to six years, experiencing obstacles in the ability to talk based on normal speech development stage at the age of two to six years based on milestones, and yet able to speak letters, syllables or words well and correctly. Subjects in this study were as many as 3 children who experienced speech delayed, namely subject T aged 3 years, subject E aged 4 years and subject TSA aged 6 years. Based on Wilcoxon signed rank tests the score of Z count <Z table (-1,633 <0.13), this analysis shows that there is difference of speech ability in children who have speech delayed before and after doing shaping technique. The pretest results for each subject show that subject T has low categorization, subject E has low categorization and subject TSA has moderate categorization. While the posttest results show an increase with the result that subject T has medium categorization, subject E has a high categorization and subject TSA has a high categorization. Result of gain score obtained by each subject namely subject 1 obtained rate of increase equal to 8, subject 2 obtained rate of increase equal to 8, and subject 3 obtained rate increase equal to 5. Mean of score increase for the three subjects is 7. Result of this research show that Shaping technique can help to improve speech ability of children who experience speech delayed, such as the ability to pronounce letters, syllables, and words.

Key words : Shaping, speech, child, speech delayed

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