Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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istiqomah istiqomah, jehan safitri, rusdi rusli

Last modified: 2018-08-14


Every child will experience growth and development. However, not all children can develop as they should. There are children who have limitations so they experience delays in growing up. Individuals who have limitations both in terms of physical and in daily behavior are called persons with disabilities. One type of disability that exists in Indonesia is intellectual disability. Intellectual disability is a disorder that occurs in the individual in its development which causes inhibition of intellectual function and adaptive behavior in the individual. One of the adaptive behaviors that are important for the individual to master is the dressing skills and these skills can be improved by modifying the behavior. One of the behavior modification techniques that can be used to improve dressing skills in children is by using chaining technique. Chaining is a process of solving a behavior that is broken down into parts or simple steps and taught in stages and interconnected with one another. This research uses chaining technique with backward chaining method type thus the first step taught is the most recent step and after the step is mastered, it will be continued in step before the last step and so on until the whole step from the last step until the first step can be mastered . The steps in this study are called chains. This study aims to know the effectiveness of the application of chaining technique in improving dressing skills in children with moderate intellectual disability. There two dressing skills that will be improved in this study namely dressing skill of wearing buttoned shirt and dressing skill of wearing pants with elastic rubber. The skill of wearing a buttoned shirt is broken down into 12 chains, and the skill of dressing wearing pants with elastic rubber is broken down into 7 chains. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with criteria of children aged 6-11 years, experiencing barriers in intellectual function shown by standardized intelligence test and has a range of IQ 35-55 (Binet scale), obstructed in adaptive function, and not yet able to dress independently. Subjects in this study were A (7 years), Z (8 years), and S (11 years). Data collection techniques in this study were using observation and interview. Observational data measured is at the time of pretest and posttest, while the observation data at the time of application and interview data will be complementary data in this research. The data collected (ie pretest and posttest data) were analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed rank-test with the provision that if the value of Z is in the rejection are of H0, then H0 is rejected which means chaining technique can improve the dressing skills in children with moderate intellectual disability (there is a difference before and after the application of chaining technique to dressing skills in children with moderate intellectual disability). The results showed that the categorization of the data before applying chaining technique of 3 children of 66, 66% had low dresssing skills and 33, 33% had medium dressing skills. However, once applied chaining techniques, from 3 children as much as 100% have high dressing skills. The pretest and posttest results also show that there are positive scores such as the score obtained by A that is from 31 up to 70, the score obtained by Z is from 39 up to 70, and the score obtained by S is from 46 rose to 72.  In addition, from the results of data analysis using Wilcoxon signed rank-test, it was found that the value of Z arithmetic (-1,604) was outside the acceptance area of H0 (0, 13) indicating H0is rejected, which means chaining technique can improve the dressing skills in children with moderate intellectual disability (there are differences before and after the application of chaining technique to dressing skills in children with moderate intellectual disability). Based on these results it can be concluded that chaining technique is effective in improving skills of dressing in children with moderate  intellectual disability.

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