Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP) 2018

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Emotional Eating, How to Deal with; Brief - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Group for Young Adult Women
Talitha Syabana Fajrin, Dini Rahma Bintari

Last modified: 2018-08-07


Introduction: Emotional eating or we can recognize it by eating because our emotional state. Emotional Eating often define in literature as overeating or binge eating as a response to the state of negative mood. Negative mood believed in increasing eating behavior is anger, sadness and anxiety. Individual with this condition responses this negative mood by eating to alleviating the negative feeling or distracting them from experiencing that negative feeling. The more negative feeling they experienced, the more they eat or snacking. They tend to overeating and eat even though they are not hungry and the result is weight gain.  That’s why emotional eating can be risk factor for obesity, binge eating disorder (BED) and another eating disorder. Emotional eating also occurred mostly in women population, because men often eat in response to confusion rather than negative mood.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is one of novel treatment for emotional eating. The purpose of ACT is to decrease the experiential and emotional avoidance through acceptance and to increase engagement in behavior change. Emotional eating as a “deviant” behavior targeted to decrease after the participant follow this Brief-ACT session. This study aim to examine the effect of Brief – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques as one of psychological treatment to reduce the level of emotional eating.

Methods: Five young adult women, participant engaged in 4 session, a week apart, guided Brief – ACT in group. Two facilitators guide this session using Brief – ACT module from Pearson (2010) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) As a Workshop Intervention for Body Dissatisfaction And Disordered Eating Attitudes. Brief – ACT consist of 4 session with four major themes: Know Your Self Better, Choose, Mindfulness and Acceptance, Accept and Take Action.

Theme that come up about emotional eating from participant along the session are, (1) eating for escaping from negative mood, (2) guilty feeling about their eating behavior, and (3) effect from overeating such as inconvenience with their appearance and obesity. This study used Emotional Eating Scales (EES) and Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) translated in Bahasa Indonesia for the pre and post-test. Both measurements has adapted in Bahasa Indonesia under expert judgement and passed the test legibility. The result of this measurement showed the score of EES & EAT-26 decrease in general, after the participant follow all the Brief - ACT sessions. More than half participant “recovered” form emotional eating. There is an increase in EES score for 2 participants, (named D and K). The possible explanation about this are they become more conscious about their feeling because of so many mindful technique used in this Brief – ACT. In conclusion, Brief - ACT techniques can help young women to reduce their level of emotional eating in general. Researcher suggest another qualitative approach or research about emotional eating and Brief  - ACT as a treatment for it to give deeper comprehension about emotional eating. In the future, researcher could combine their research about treatment for emotional eating with weight losing treatment to satisfying the participants.


Keyword : Emotional Eating, Woman, Brief – ACT, Group.

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