Last modified: 2018-08-09
Wahid Hasyima and Wustari L. Mangundjayab*
a Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia ; b Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok,Indonesia
*Corresponding author:
Wustari L. Mangundjaya
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Departement
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Lkr. Kampus Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat
Indonesia, 16424
Tel: +62 217270004
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Background. One of the goals of higher education institutions is developing human resources. To support these goals, there needs to be a contribution and involvement of lecturers and employees (academic staff) within the scope of the institution. Work engagement from lecturers and employees can illustrate the participation of lecturers and employees so that they can provide the best performance. In fact, work pressure has been continually rising among lecturers and employees (academic staff). They are expected to engage in multiple tasks, so they need more energies and skills. However, the problem that often happens is the work environment, and the demands of existing jobs often do not support the increase of job resources for employees. Whereas, the job demands and job resources can affect the level of employee work engagement. Based on our background, we see that job resources for employees is the most important thing that can lead employees to have the best performance. Therefore, this study aims to know the role of psychological capital in mediating organizational climate and work engagement relationships that is owned by employees at University X.
Methods. This study used cross-sectional approach. Data collected through convenience sampling techniques from various elements in the university X. Participants in this study were 360 people who work as lecturers and educational staffs who work at the University X. The data took by using survey method with distributing scales consisting of work engagement scale (UWES 9), organizational climate scale (CLIOR), and psychological capital (Psycap-12). SEM using lavaan package version 0.523 in R Studio version 1.1.447 was conducted to analyze the data.
Results. The model that we tested meets the fit index criteria (ꭕ2(518)= 871.35, CFI = .91, RMSEA= .05, SRMR = .06, AIC= 328751.47). The result shows that organizational climate has a positive and significant impact on psychological capital (β =.66, p<.01). Psychological capital has a positive and significant impact on work engagement (β =.57, p<.01), but there is no direct effect organizational climate on work engagement (β =.57, ns). Overall, psychological capital mediates the relationship between organizational climate and work engagement (β =.38, p<.01).
Conclusion. Based on the analysis results, it concluded that the influence of organizational climate on work engagement must go through the psychological capital. These results support the Job Demand Resources (JD-R) model that states psychological resources (psychological capital) can improve the relationship of job resources (organizational climate) and work engagement on the employee.
Added-Values. The result of the studies conducted by researchers is the psychological capital is a significant variable in developing work engagement. However, environment perceived by employees is also essential, as employee resources because it can provide energy to the psychological resources of employees. Also, the high level of psychological resources (psychological capital) is the most important in improving employee engagement that ultimately improves employee performance. However, if the employee does not have enough energy from work environments, this can make employee become burnout or exhausted.
Contribution to society. These study can be useful for the community, primarily the organization to create a work environment that supports employees so that employees can develop their psychological capital so that employees can engage with their work. Also, the organization can also provide training, coaching, or counseling associated to establish the psychological capital of employees. That way, employees can engage with their work and will show the best performance.
Keywords: Work Engagement, Psychological capital, Organizational Climate
Word count: 557