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Syatori, A, SALAM Institute
Syaukillah, Muhamad muhamad, SKSG UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA
Syauqillah, Muhamad, <p>Terrorism Studies Program</p> <p>School of Strategic and Global Studies</p> <p>Universitas Indonesia</p>
Syauqillah, Muhamad, SKSG
Syauqillah, Muhamad, Terrorism Studies, School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia
Syauqillah, Muhamad, Universitas Indonesia
Syed Elias, Sharifah Munirah, Kulliyyah of Nursing International Islamic University Malaysia Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Indera Mahkota, 25200, Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur Malaysia
Syed Elias, Sharifah Munirah -, Department of Special Care Nursing, Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia
Syed Omar, Sharifah Nur Syafiqah, University of Malaya
Syukri, Muhammad, Anthropology/Sociology, The University of Western Australia, and The Smeru Research Institute, Jakarta

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