Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Fathers’ Role In sustainability On Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice In Post Caesarean Section Mothers ( A phenomenological investigation)
Tri Budiati

Last modified: 2019-09-01


Fathers’ Role

In sustainability On Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice In Post Caesarean Section Mothers ( A phenomenological investigation)

Tri Budiati, Imami Nur Rachmawati, Setyowati

Abstract— Background: The continuation of breastfeeding in post Caesarean mothers requires commitment, self confidence, strong desire and support from various professionals and internal support especially couples. .

Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the Experience of husbands role and their support to his couple on exclusive breastfeeding practice in post caesarean section mothers

Method: This study used qualitative phenomenological approach.

Result: There were four themes identified from the qualitative study namely: The knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding.  The role of  fathers during breastfeeding support breastfeeding Impending factors to exclusive breastfeeding.

Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding remains low in that city especially in post-cesarean mothers who are influenced by  some factors.  Most fathers seemed eager to get involved and

assist their partners in proper breastfeeding practices because they believed that doing so was in accordancewith their faith. It was further determined that adequate support from family members, healthcare professionals, and employers can enable fathers to encourage and facilitate their partners to initiate and maintain exclusive and optimum breastfeeding.

Keywords: Fathers’ role, Post-caesarean section mothers, sustainibility breastfeeding.