Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Condom use negotiation, alcohol consumption and HIV risk sexual behavior among female sex workers in Kupang
Khumaidi Khumaidi, Sri Yona, Agung Waluyo

Last modified: 2019-09-03


Background : Female sex worker (FSW) has been idetified as one of the vurnerable population to HIV. Many risk factors contribute to their risk of HIV, including unprotected sex (non condom use), intravenous drugs, and also excessive alcohol intake. This study aims is to evaluate relationship between condom use negotiation, alcohol consumption and HIV risk sexual behavior among female sex.

Method : A cross sectional was conducted with 125 FSW aged 18 to 60 years  recruited from Yayasan Tanpa Batas Kupang. This study utilized theree instruments: safe sexual behavior questionaire (SSBQ), condom influence strategy questionaire (CISQ) and the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT).

Results : Most respondents were aged 18-40 years (88.8%), were low level of educated (51.2%), high income (73.6%), unmarried (61.6%). Majority  of FSW (61.6%) reported  had low to negotiation condom use with their clients, about 77.6% reported had high level of alcohol consumptions and 64,8% had high risk sexual behavior. Condom use negotiation (p-value : 0,003) and alcohol consumption (p-value : 0,037) were found  significant associated with  risk sexual behavior.

Conclusion: Condom use negotiation and alcohol consumption affect to HIV risk sexual behavior.  Future intervention on HIV prevention should focus on empowering young FSW with condom negotiation skills for increased  use of condom in order to reduce HIV risk behavior. In addition, HIV education program   should include information about alcohol consumption and HIV risk in order to have better health outcome for FSW