Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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A Validation of Food Consumption Index and Its Association with Dental Caries Experience among Adolescent
Robbykha Rosalien, Ulfah utami, Ary agustanti, Febriana Setiawati, Diah Ayu Maharani

Last modified: 2019-09-11


Introduction: The dental caries status across the world is still remain high. The psychometric properties have not been fully assessed yet and limited information on adolescent. This study aimed to cross-cultural validity of food consumption questionnaire and examined its relationship with dental caries experience.

Methods: The cross-sectional study of adolescents aged 15-16 years-old in Jakarta, Indonesia. Eleven of senior high school was randomly invited to be participants. In total, there were 471 adolescents included in the final analytical sample. The test-retest reliability was assessed. Clinical oral health status was examined through oral examinations (DMF-T). Socio-demographic information and data on oral health related behaviour (tooth brush, dental attendance, and related to diet).

Results: The Indonesian version of Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) showed good reliability result. Intra-class correlation(ICC) coefficient from test-retest reliability was 0.963.

Conclusion: The Indonesian food consumption questionnaire is reliable. The prevalence of dental caries is 75.4%. It is significantly associated with gender, mothers’ education, yoghurt, and breath mint.

Keywords: Food frequency questionnaire, reliability, validity, sugary drink, dental caries