Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Diagnostic challenge of anemia in isolated area, medical aspect encounter biopsychosocial factor: a case report

Last modified: 2019-09-11



Anemia is frequently diagnosed in individuals. The etiology of anemia is complex and range from nutritional deficiencies, inflammatory process, chronic infection to other causes (Stauder R, 2019). As anemia manifest in a wide range of conditions, it is important to embrace a structured diagnostic approach (Alli N, 2017). The prevalence of anemia is higher among developing countries, because of low socioeconomic status and difficult access to the healthcare services (Chandrakumari AS, 2019).

Case Report

Female, 29 year old, came to Agats general hospital, Asmat with chief complaint fatigue since 6 months ago. She felt powerless to do daily activity. Patient presented anemic. Hemoglobin level was low, 6.9 g/dl, MCV 71.3 fl, and MCH 24.1 pg, After 5 weeks treatment with high iron diet and drugs consist of sulfas ferrous, folic acid, and neurotropic vitamin, the hemoglobin level was increase to 10.8 g/dl. The fatigue was improve and her activity daily living was better.


The cause of anemia in isolated area related to iron and nutritional deficiency, geographic factor related mud area, helminthes and malaria infection, multiple delivery, poverty, etc. Due to isolated area, diagnostic procedure also became difficult related to low education level, socio economic, and primitive thinking about healthy. But the patient already broke negative assumption. She could accept education well and reach hemoglobin target.


Diagnostic of anemia in isolated area became a challenge. Explore differential diagnosis, treat possibilities, and education had an important role.

Keyword: anemia, nutritional deficiency, biopsychosocial factor