Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Nursing Student’s Readiness and Hope in Preventing Needle-Stick Injury
Siti Nurkholifah, Hanny Handiyani

Last modified: 2019-09-01


Objective: Needle-Stick Injury (NSI) can be experienced by nursing students during the learning process. This study aimed to analyze the readiness and hope of nursing students in preventing NSI.

Method: Descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used total sampling with 284 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability.

Results: Descriptive analysis shows the age characteristics of nursing students in the category of young adults with respondents dominated by women. The NSI's incident shows that the majority occurred in students at the academic level with needle sticks (31%) compared to professional students. Nursing students who have a level of readiness to prevent good NSI (52.8%) are almost the same as those that are not good. The number of students who have high hopes of preventing NSI (50.4%) is almost the same as students who have low hope.

Conclusion: Awareness of nursing students to improve readiness and hope needs to be constantly reminded by educational institutions to avoid NSI among nursing students.