Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Effects of Advertisements on Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents in Three Provinces
Annisah Annisah, Sofyan Cholid, Arif Wibowo, Johanna Debora Imelda

Last modified: 2019-09-11


Introduction: Previous studies showed that one of the factors causing obesity is high consumption of high-calorie foods / drinks. Advertising is one of the supporting factors for the high level of consumption of a person. This study aims to examine the relationship between advertising and obesity in adolescents in the provinces of Bali, DIY and South Kalimantan.

Methods: Quantitative research was conducted on 600 teenage respondents aged 16-18 years spread across rural and urban areas in three provinces. Univariate and bivariate SPSS analysis was performed to see the relationship between these two variables.

The results showed that the type of advertisement that was most preferred was advertising other than food / drink but the ad that was most often seen was the type of food / beverage advertisement. This condition shows that the respondents' exposure to food advertisements is very high. On the other hand, their exposure to advertising for healthy living and healthy food is also very high. This condition indicates that it is not entirely the main factor causing obesity in adolescents.

Conclusion: advertising is not as a major contributing factor to obesity in adolescents but advertising is supported by the availability and accessibility of foods high in fat and calories. Recommendations given that in addition to counter advertising, it is also important to provide more healthy food / drinks at affordable prices.