Last modified: 2019-08-29
Objective: Patient satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of nursing services. Satisfaction in M and P Hospital has not reached the standard of satisfaction indicators. Patient satisfaction also did not measure satisfaction with case management sevices and low communication skill which affects patients satisfaction. This study aims to analyze correlation between communication skills of nurse case manager with patient satisfaction of case management services .
Method: the design is crossectional in 110 patients who recognized nurse case manager and obtained patient service management with purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by correlation test and multiple logistic regression.
Results There is a significant relationship between communication skills and patient satisfaction (p < 0.001, α <0.05). Patients assess communication skills are good on all dimensions except informative. Patients also feel satisfied with nurses' communication skills and other dimensions except for efficiency. Communication skills are the factors that most influence satisfaction (OR: 9.64) and there is no relationship between patient characteristics and patient satisfaction (p> 0.05).
Conclusion: Good communication skills have the opportunity to increase patient satisfaction and are significantly associated with patient satisfaction towards case management services. Suggestion: hospital management needs to improve communication skills to improve patient satisfaction so that the quality of the case management services can be of higher quality. Similar research in hospitals, especially interventions to improve communication skills, need to be done in the future.
Keywords: case management services, communication skills, nurses case manager, and patient satisfaction.