Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Impact of Occupational Health Post to Work Accident Prevention Behavior of Emping Chips Workers
Fertin Mulyanasari, Sigit Mulyono, Henny Permatasari

Last modified: 2019-08-28


Objective: Working as emping chips workers is a job containing a source of risks and source of dangers which can threaten occupational health and safety. This study aims to identify the relationship between Occupational health post (Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja-Pos UKK) to worker accident prevention behavior of emping chips workers. Method: The design of this study used cross-sectional involving 97 emping chips workers obtained through the technique of total sampling and taken at Cilegon City, Banten, Indonesia. The instrument used was questionnaire. Results: The Pearson test result show that there is relationship between Occupational Health Post and work accident prevention behavior of emping chips workers (pvalue 0,001). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that importance for develop health program from Public Health Service such as Occupational health Post for give best occupational health service for informal worker such as emping chips workers.