Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Impact of Digital Era: Intensity of Excessive Use of Gadget Results in Eating Difficulty of Children
Ade Yohana, Sigit Mulyono

Last modified: 2019-08-30


Objective: Eating difficulties behaviour still becomes a problem of school-aged children as one of causes growth and development disorder. This study tested whether the use of gadget excessively is associated with eating difficulty of children. Methods: This research design used cross sectional study with chi square testing involving 215 mothers of 6-12 years old children being selected by means of proportionate stratified random sampling at State Primary School 08 of Tegal Alur, West Jakarta, Indonesia. The questionnaire used was in the form of CEBQ (Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire) to measure eating difficulty behaviour and questionnaire of gadget use intensity. Results: It was evident that there was a significant relation between gadget use intensity and eating difficulty behaviour of school-aged children where 58.5% of children who use gadget in such a high intensity shows an eating difficulty behaviour (p value=0.009). The children using gadget in such a high intensity has opportunity of 2.145 times bigger of causing eating difficulty behaviour compared to gadget users in low intensity (OR:  2.145. 95% CI: 1.239-18.357). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the importance of parent’s active role in paying attention to the growth and development of children by means of the treatment related to a good eating pattern and limitation of gadget use intensity.