Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Effect of Oxytocin Massage on Onset of Breast Milk Expenditure on Post Partum Sectio Caesarea at Bhinneka Bakti Husada Hospital South Tangerang City
Riksa Wibawa Resna, Dian Puspitasari Effendi, Kamaluddin Latief

Last modified: 2019-08-28


Introduction. The problems about breast milk secretion in the first days after delivery has led to the realization of exclusive breastfeeding. Delayed of the breast milk secretion can be caused by inhibition of secretion of oxytocin that very important in the fluency of breast milk’s secretion. Oxytoxin massage is the effective way to stimulate the secretion of oxytocin. Objective. This research aimed to determine the effect of oxytocin massage on the onset of lactation for post natal mother with caesarean delivery. Method. Researcher used Post Test Only with Contol Group design, sampling technique that used is Nonprobality Sampling with Consecutive Sampling. The sample are 40 post batal women with caesarean delivery who were divided into 2 groups: 20 women for the intervention group and 20 women for the control group that was not given oxytocin massage. Data collection were used observation sheets and the data analyzed used fisher exact test. Result. The result of fisher exact test showed the value obtained p value 0,111 which means p > (0,05) that means that there is no significant effect of onset lactation among post natal women with caesarean delivery in intervention group with women in control group. Recommendation. Based on research result, it was recommended that every post natal mothers remains given oxytocin massage, the postnatal mothers can also be assisted in applying oxutocin massage for their family at home and can disseminate to other communities thereby increasing public knowledge about oxytocin massage