Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Relationship Between Emotional Problem with Self-Esteem In Adolescents
Fabrila Hasti Endah Ramadani

Last modified: 2019-09-01



Introduction: Emotional problem is one of many causes of a decrease in self-esteem in adolescents due to inability in dealing with stressors. This study aims to determine the relationship of emotional problems with self-esteem in adolescents.

Method: The study used a descriptive correlative design with a cross sectional approach. This research uses purposive sampling and stratified-cluster sampling techniques with a total of 268 high school adolescents in South Jakarta. Data was obtained using two questionnaires, namely Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory.

Result: The majority of high school adolescents in South Jakarta have a moderate level of self-esteem of 54.9%. The emotional problems that the adolescents have are in the normal range of 69%. Emotional problems have a significant relationship with self-esteem in adolescents.

Conclusion: This research is expected to be the foundation of promotion and prevention programs regarding self-esteem and emotional problems in adolescents, such as leadership training, extracurricular activities, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional intelligence training, group counseling, and mental health education.

Keyword: Adolescents, Self-Esteem, Emotional Problems